How to use Summer holidays to get clarity on your money stuff

financial wellness personal finance money matters summer holidays
Written By Caitriona Ellis

Are you fuzzy sometimes about what your ideal setup will be with money? You’re so busy careering from one day to another and life is just so busy and overwhelming at times that you don’t even have a clue as to what it would even look like. In this blog, I’m going to explore how you can actually leverage your summer holiday time to get really clear on that, and this can be a transformational step forward in how you go forward with your money. Watch the short vlog here

For many people, they are so busy in their day to day in, in the school term that you’re on automatic pilot of drop off, pick up, and it’s a bit of a whirlwind. And we never actually get the time to actually stand back and go, Wow, you know, I really enjoyed that, my kids really enjoyed that and I’d like more of that.

But Summer holidays, usually for most of us, can result in us getting some space to actually make those observations. So maybe in some quiet down time, everybody’s happy and relaxed and the weather’s good, fingers crossed. And. We get a little glimpse into some precious moments and you think to yourself, I would really like more of this in my life.

It’s those little moments that really can give you the gold nuggets as to how things would be if you had a magic wand and were able to set things up exactly as how you like. what financial wellness is all about. It’s trying to get clarity as to what that looks like for you. When you have that clarity, it’s about taking those baby steps towards it.

So I encourage you to use the Summer holidays that were upon us and take time to notice when those moments arise. Maybe make note of them. If you’re somebody who likes to journal or make a digital note, as to what happened in that. What was it about that moment that really felt nourishing and amazing and gave you that sense of wanting more?

For some of us when the back to school time comes Yes, there’s a little sense of relief because we get back to routine and sometimes those long ending days can be trying and they can be wearing. But for some Mums, there’s sadness when the kids go back to school because we’ve had such a lovely time with them.

That is when regret can come in and maybe if you’ve been working, you have some regrets and guilt around, I wish I had more time off with them to do more fun things. Or maybe it’s that you had some time off, but you didn’t have the money to do the things that you’d like to do.

Whatever those little insights are.

Take the time out to notice them first.

Secondly make a note of them.

Thirdly take action as to how can I get more of whatever it is that you’ve observed.

It is through those simple little steps that things can start to change. Maybe next time when you have a Summer holiday, you’ll be able to slot in one of those nuggets and instantly uplevel your Summer holiday. Based on the observation I had during those holidays, I’m going to do something slightly different next time. And slowly but surely, the holiday time starts to become better and better because you start to take the time to notice and then to make those tiny tweaks. And before you know it, you look back and those Summer holidays are, or any holidays, are so deeply nourishing and enjoyable for all.

To Your Financial Wellness,


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