Why forward-focus is key to financial success?

financial wellness, personal finance, money matters,
Written By Caitriona Ellis

It is tempting to keep looking backwards to what has gone before. The past holds great lessons and learning for you but if you keep your focus there, it will hold you back. Forward focus is key to moving towards what you are building. In this short vlog, Caitriona speaks to how you can make this switch and why doing this will help you massively.


Personally I find this quite tough at times. Sometimes there is so much going on that you are stuck in the nitty gritty of the challenges. It can be overwhelming. On such occasions, it is really helpful to have someone in your life who pulls you out of the past and reminds you of the importance of looking forward.

Reality is that the past has much richness to give us. Once we have taken those valuable learnings, it is best to leave it in the past.

So how you keep yourself focused on the future? Everyone will have their own way to lock this in. For some it may be a post it on their mirror, diary, desk or somewhere else they will see daily. For others it might be a buddy/friend/family member who is a natural motivator and nudges you out of it. Each of us will have our own way to do this.

If you’d like to get my input to how to nudge your financial wellness to the next level, book yourself a complimentary Financial Wellness Clarity call, book your slot here https://bit.ly/financial-wellness-clarity-call-

To Your Financial Wellness,


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