Ask These Powerful Questions to Empower Yourself to Financial Wellness

financial wellness, personal finance, money matters,
Written By Caitriona Ellis

How can empowering questions upgrade your financial wellness? It may seem like an unusual suggestion but there is surprisingly great power in asking yourself powerful questions. Watch Caitriona’s short vlog on this and she will share some simple ideas on how you can do this.

It is very easy when you fall into a funk to find yourself asking disempowering questions such as ‘Why me?’, ‘Why does this always happen to me?’ These types of questions make the assumption that you are powerless to do anything about the situation you find yourself in.

What if you asked yourself empowering questions? What effect do you think that this would have on you?

This tool is something I adopted a few years ago after a mentor challenged me on it. Since then I regularly find myself in victim or martyr mode and I let that go for a short time. Then I start to gently ask myself an empowering question and see what it brings.

Even better is to ask yourself an empowering question when you are meditating or on a walk with some headspace.

Examples of empowering questions would be; How can I nudge myself forward from where I am right now? Who in my circle/family/friends can support me with what I need? What is it that would most help me right now? What 1 action could I take to propel myself forward? How can I best support myself for where I want to me?

The list is endless as to combinations of empowering questions. Use your own intuition as to what the best empowering question or questions is for you. We all respond differently to different questions, words etc

The most important thing is that you use this tool to progress your financial wellness. You will be amazed as to how much this impacts you and your progress. Before you know it, you will be significantly farther down the road than you ever dreamed possible.

If you would like to have a complimentary Financial Wellness Clarity call with me, then book yourself a slot here and let me support you with some independent perspective on how to progress your financial wellness. Book your slot here

To Your Financial Wellness,


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