Crushing Financial Procrastination: The Truth Behind the Time Excuse

financial freedom personal finance money worries money stress money challenges
Written By Caitriona Ellis

What do you think the top excuse for people not addressing their money is? Knowledge? Time? Complexity? Overwhelm? In my experience the number 1 reason people say they don’t deal with their money matters is that they don’t have the time. I call b.s. on this 100%.

Watch Caitriona’ short vlog on this b.s. excuse

Rant warning! The vast majority of people tell me that a lack of time is the key reason they don’t give their money the attention it needs. We all have access to the same number of hours in each day. So why do some people get on top of their money stuff and others don’t?

Because they simply do not prioritise it. That is the raw truth of it. Unfortunately it usually takes a significant life event to happen and the money pain to hit before they will take the actions that are needed.

Don’t wait for the pain to hit. Indent just a small chunk of time each week where you sit down and review what needs doing. This time chunk could be as little as 15 minutes where you look at your numbers or you make a list of what needs doing. And one by one, you take those actions.

Most of the stuff that needs addressing isn’t rocket science. It simply needs your time and energy to resolve. Only you know what you need to get sorted. In some cases you may benefit from speaking with a financial advsior to guide you on protection or a solicitor about putting a will or powers of attorney in place.

So grab your diary now and see when you can pencil in that little chunk of time. Put on some music you love and work through what you need to do. No one will gift you this time. If you want to prioritise it, you will. Step by step you will get the pieces in place that you need and achieve the level of financial wellness you desire.

To Your Financial Wellness,


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