An analogy which makes a lot of sense to me is that our relationship with money is similar to a friendship. If a friend treats us poorly, we don’t tend to hang around for long. So if we treat our money poorly, it tends to do the same.
When I say poorly I mean, you have no idea what is coming in to your account and you have little idea as to what is going out of your account. If your money was a friend, how well do you treat it? Do you regularly have dates with it to see what is going on? Do you track what comes in and out of your account? Do you take joy from paying your bills? Do you have an effective method to tracking your money flow? Do you show your money leadership?
By answering these questions you will get a sense as to perhaps why your money is not flowing in and/or out in the way you desire. It may perhaps be time to give your money a Spring clean. Go through your bills and ditch the ones that you are paying that don’t bring you joy or add value. Find the value in the ones you need to pay e.g. utilities, insurance etc
What can you do right now to improve your relationship with your money so that you can become better friend?
Please do share your thoughts and comments on this below or connect with me on social media.
To Your Financial Wellness,