Master Your Money – 3 Key Tips to Financial Wellness

financial freedom personal finance money matters
Written By Caitriona Ellis

Money can be a complex matter for many. In this short vlog, Caitriona shares 3 simple tips on how you can nudge your financial wellness to the next level in a very easy way.

Watch this vlog here now

  1. Have crystal clarity on where it is you are headed. Do you already know what financial wellness looks like for you? If not, how can you know what action to take next. How can you make decisions without direction on what you want? Getting clarity on what financial wellness looks like for you is essential to moving forward. This clarity can be easily sought by taking a few minutes to imagine that if everything in your life was exactly how you desire, what would that look like. Would you be debt free? Would you have multiple income sources? Would you work at all? Would you have a diversified investment portfolio? Would you want to invest in property? Would you pay off your mortgage ? How often and where would you holiday? Would you have a holiday home? Would you have savings for your loved ones? Would you do those bucket list items? Asking yourself these types of questions will help bring you clarity on what your financial wellness looks like so then you can easily establish when faced with a decision as to whether it takes you towards what you want or away from.

2. Create some space in your mind, your diary and your life to give some thought as to what your next step might be. Without space to act on our financial wellness, we career from one thing to another. We often end up somewhere entirely different to where we meant to be. For you it might be better to make this space first thing in the morning to lock in what the next step is for you. Or you may prefer a more conducive time that works better for you. When is not the issue. Choose whatever time works for you. Ideally make it a regular time which will soon become a habit that is well embedded and a time which you enjoy taking. Creating this space will signal that you are really getting serious about your money stuff and slowly but surely your financial empowerment muscle will start to strengthen as you practice this more and more.

3. Give motivating names/logins to your spreadsheets/app logins etc so that when you make some space and sit down to look at your numbers, you are instantly reminded why you are making this effort. It is all too easy at the end of a busy day, the last thing you may want to do is look at your numbers. However if you are reminded why you are doing this, then this may give you the push you need to take the time to spend some time working on your money stuff.

Even if you take just one of the above 3 steps, it will be one step closer to your financial wellness. Then take the next step and then another one. Before you know it, you will be significantly more financially empowered than you were previously.

If you’d like to have a chat with me on a complimentary Financial Wellness clarity call and let me do some of the heavy lifting for you and give you some insightful views from an independent perspective, book a spot here

To Your Financial Wellness,


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