Scary reality of self employment & 1 pro-tip to dispel it

Written By Caitriona Ellis

Is self employment killing you? Are ends barely meet and you’re really stressed out and it’s becoming a very expensive hobby? If this is you, then I totally resonate and this vlog is prepared to help you address that. I’m going to cover in this blog some very simple tips that will help you take away the pressure of self employment and put your oxygen mask back on.

Many of us are too ashamed, we are scared, we are embarrassed to admit that our self employment income sometimes isn’t enough. It can be a really hairy ride and sometimes the ends just don’t meet. I can speak to this with 100 percent authority because I’ve experienced it myself and it was about 12 months ago where I started to see this and thought what am I going to do and I started to ask myself some good questions to try and get some answers as to how I could resolve this because I really felt like a failure.

I felt like the thing that I was most passionate about, which is this Financial Wellness Academy, wasn’t able to pay the bills. It wasn’t able to give me the financial wellness level that I desired. So I decided in the end, after looking at different options, to get a different source of income. By using my existing skillset and secure another income without compromising my values, without doing anything that impacted me being available for the kids for drop offs and pick ups etc., I was able to add this into my existing schedule and also without compromising the work that I wanted to do with this. So that was really simple solution. It’s not something that lights me up. It’s, it is something I enjoy, but it is something that covers the bills and takes the pressure off.

The unexpected benefit I found with this is that when I’m having conversations then around the financial wellness side of things, I’m bringing a totally different energy to it because I’m not worried about paying the bills, etc., I’ve got those covered. So I do my self employment pursuits with much more passion, energy and enjoyment levels and that is apparent to clients.

So what I want to prompt you to do today is really to be really honest with yourself as to how your numbers are looking with self employment. Is this something that you need to do? Understand that by you potentially adding another income, it’s not giving up, it’s not you saying that this isn’t going to work, especially if it’s something you’re really passionate about and you can see that you’re gently and very slowly starting to get some traction.

This isn’t about throwing in the towel. It’s about, putting your oxygen mask on and realizing that it’s going to take time to build it up. And for many of us, it does, it takes quite some time because we’re not trained in growing a business. We need help and support in that, and that can take time and patience.

So meantime, rather than putting yourself under pressure, look around, there is largely in many areas, skill shortages. I picked a job with flexi hours so I can pick the hours to suit myself and manage my own diary and make sure that I’m meeting the requirements of the thing that I’m most passionate about, which is supporting women with their financial wellness, but without compromising my values and being able to bring better energy to it.

So I want to create this blog to help you shake off that embarrassment. You are not the only one if you’re feeling like this. There are many women who think by looking on social media that everybody else is doing fine and they’ve got it all sorted. But actually reality is they don’t, myself included.

That takes enormous pressure off when we realize that there is a different way, and we can still do what we really want to do. We’ll bring so much more clean, better, vibrant energy to it, when we know the other, the numbers are taken care of and it’s okay. So I’ll leave you with that as food for thought for this week.

If there is any topic in particular that you want me to cover, please do drop me an email at [email protected]

To Your Financial Wellness,


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