Is money a taboo subject in your home? Having open conversations with your kids around money is vital to ensuring that you support them in creating a healthy relationship with their money going forward. However the relationship starts with you firstly being a role...
It may seem like a strange connection to make that your energy is connected to how you do money, but this has been my personal experience of this. When my energy is low, my money experience is low. When I am radiating abundance, I see abundance everywhere. What takes...
Where on the money spectrum are you? Have a watch/listen to my latest vlog which talks about the money spectrum and the various characteristics of someone at different points on this. It will help you get clarity on how you ‘do’ money. Our position(s) on...
In this post, Caitriona explains the logic behind ensuring you have absolute clarity as to what financial wellness looks like for you before you really roll up your sleeves on this. It can feel that financial wellness is but a pipe dream for you. Caitriona explains...
In this post, Caitriona poses a scenario as to the pros and cons to paying all debt down before starting to invest or doing both simultaneously. When you have debt, it can be debilitating and you often cannot see the wood from the trees. BUT all is not lost. In my...